Package 'Rdrw'

Title: Univariate and Multivariate Damped Random Walk Processes
Description: We provide a toolbox to fit and simulate a univariate or multivariate damped random walk process that is also known as an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process or a continuous-time autoregressive model of the first order, i.e., CAR(1) or CARMA(1, 0). This process is suitable for analyzing univariate or multivariate time series data with irregularly-spaced observation times and heteroscedastic measurement errors. When it comes to the multivariate case, the number of data points (measurements/observations) available at each observation time does not need to be the same, and the length of each time series can vary. The number of time series data sets that can be modeled simultaneously is limited to ten in this version of the package. We use Kalman-filtering to evaluate the resulting likelihood function, which leads to a scalable and efficient computation in finding maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters or in drawing their posterior samples. Please pay attention to loading the data if this package is used for astronomical data analyses; see the details in the manual. Also see Hu and Tak (2020) <arXiv:2005.08049>.
Authors: Zhirui Hu and Hyungsuk Tak
Maintainer: Hyungsuk Tak <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.0.2
Built: 2025-02-23 02:44:59 UTC

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Fitting univariate and multiviarate damped random walk processes


The function drw fits univariate and multivariate damped random walk processes on multiple time series data sets possibly with known measurement error standard deviations via state-space representation. This function drw evaluates the resulting likelihood function of the model parameters via Kalman-filtering whose minimum complexity is linear in the number of unique observation times. The function returns the maximum likelihood estimates or posterior samples of the model parameters. For astronomical data analyses, users need to pay attention to loading the data because R's default is to load only seven effective digits; see details below.


drw(data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, 
    data6, data7, data8, data9, data10,
    n.datasets, method = "mle",
    bayes.n.burn, bayes.n.sample,
    mu.UNIFprior.range = c(-30, 30),
    tau.IGprior.shape = 1, tau.IGprior.scale = 1,
    sigma2.IGprior.shape = 1, sigma2.IGprior.scale = 1e-7)



An (n1n_1 by 3) matrix for time series data 1. The first column has n1n_1 observation times, the second column contains n1n_1 measurements (magnitudes), the third column includes n1n_1 measurement error standard deviations. If the measurement error standard deviations are unknown, the third column must be a vector of n1n_1 zeros.


Optional if more than one time series data set are available. An (n2n_2 by 3) matrix for time series data 2. The first column has n2n_2 observation times, the second column contains n2n_2 measurements/observations/magnitudes, the third column includes n2n_2 measurement error standard deviations. If the measurement error standard deviations are unknown, the third column must be a vector of n2n_2 zeros.


Optional if more than two time series data sets are available. An (n3n_3 by 3) matrix for time series data 3. The first column has n3n_3 observation times, the second column contains n3n_3 measurements/observations/magnitudes, the third column includes n3n_3 measurement error standard deviations. If the measurement error standard deviations are unknown, the third column must be a vector of n3n_3 zeros.


Optional if more than three time series data sets are available. An (n4n_4 by 3) matrix for time series data 4. The first column has n4n_4 observation times, the second column contains n4n_4 measurements/observations/magnitudes, the third column includes n4n_4 measurement error standard deviations. If the measurement error standard deviations are unknown, the third column must be a vector of n4n_4 zeros.


Optional if more than four time series data sets are available. An (n5n_5 by 3) matrix for time series data 5. The first column has n5n_5 observation times, the second column contains n5n_5 measurements/observations/magnitudes, the third column includes n5n_5 measurement error standard deviations. If the measurement error standard deviations are unknown, the third column must be a vector of n5n_5 zeros.


Optional if more than five time series data sets are available. An (n6n_6 by 3) matrix for time series data 6. The first column has n6n_6 observation times, the second column contains n6n_6 measurements/observations/magnitudes, the third column includes n6n_6 measurement error standard deviations. If the measurement error standard deviations are unknown, the third column must be a vector of n6n_6 zeros.


Optional if more than six time series data sets are available. An (n7n_7 by 3) matrix for time series data 7. The first column has n7n_7 observation times, the second column contains n7n_7 measurements/observations/magnitudes, the third column includes n7n_7 measurement error standard deviations. If the measurement error standard deviations are unknown, the third column must be a vector of n7n_7 zeros.


Optional if more than seven time series data sets are available. An (n8n_8 by 3) matrix for time series data 8. The first column has n8n_8 observation times, the second column contains n8n_8 measurements/observations/magnitudes, the third column includes n8n_8 measurement error standard deviations. If the measurement error standard deviations are unknown, the third column must be a vector of n8n_8 zeros.


Optional if more than eight time series data sets are available. An (n9n_9 by 3) matrix for time series data 9. The first column has n9n_9 observation times, the second column contains n9n_9 measurements/observations/magnitudes, the third column includes n9n_9 measurement error standard deviations. If the measurement error standard deviations are unknown, the third column must be a vector of n9n_9 zeros.


Optional if more than nine time series data sets are available. An (n10n_{10} by 3) matrix for time series data 10. The first column has n10n_{10} observation times, the second column contains n10n_{10} measurements/observations/magnitudes, the third column includes n10n_{10} measurement error standard deviations. If the measurement error standard deviations are unknown, the third column must be a vector of n10n_{10} zeros. The current version of package allows up to ten time series data sets. If users have more than ten time series data sets to be modeled simultaneously, please contact the authors.


The number of time series data sets to be modeled simultaneously. An integer value inclusively between 1 to 10. For example, if "n.datasets = 3", then users must enter data1, data2, and data3 as inputs of drw.


If method = "mle", it returns maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters. If method = "bayes" it produces posterior samples of the model parameters.


Required for method = "bayes". The number of warming-up iterations for a Markov chain Monte Carlo method.


Required for method = "bayes". The size of a posterior sample for each parameter for a Markov chain Monte Carlo method.


Required for method = "bayes". The range of the Uniform prior on each long-term avaerage μj\mu_jof the process, where jj goes from 1 to the total number of time series data sets. The default range is (30,30-30, 30) for astronomical applications.


Required for method = "bayes". The shape parameter of the invserse-Gamma prior on each timescale τj\tau_j of the process, where jj goes from 1 to the total number of time series data sets. The default shape parameter is one for astronomical applications.


Required for method = "bayes". The scale parameter of the invserse-Gamma prior on each timescale τj\tau_j, where jj goes from 1 to the total number of time series data sets. The default scale parameter is one for astronomical applications.


Required for method = "bayes". The shape parameter of the invserse-Gamma prior on each short-term variability (variance) σj2\sigma^2_j, where jj goes from 1 to the total number of time series data sets. The default shape parameter is one for astronomical applications.


Required for method = "bayes". The scale parameter of the invserse-Gamma prior on each short-term variability (variance) σj2\sigma^2_j, where jj goes from 1 to the total number of time series data sets. The default shape parameter is 1e7-7 for astronomical applications.


The multivariate damped random walk process X(t){\bf X}(t) is defined by the following stochastic differential equation:

dX(t)=Dτ1(X(t)μ)dt+DσdB(t),d {\bf X}(t) = -D_{{\bf\tau}}^{-1}({\bf X}(t) - {\bf\mu})dt + D_{{\bf\sigma}} d {\bf B}(t),

where X(t)={X1(t),,Xk(t)}{\bf X}(t)=\{X_1(t), \ldots, X_k(t)\} is a vector of kk measurements/observations/magnitudes of the kk time series data sets in continuous time tRt\in R, DτD_{\bf\tau} is a k×kk\times k diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are kk timescales with each τj\tau_j representing the timescale of the jj-th time series data, μ={μ1,,μk}{\bf\mu}=\{\mu_1, \ldots, \mu_k\} is a vector for long-term averages of the kk time series data sets, DσD_{{\bf\sigma}} is k×kk\times k diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are short-term variabilities (standard deviation) of kk time series data sets, and finally B(t)={B1(t),,Bk(t)}{\bf B}(t)=\{B_1(t), \ldots, B_k(t)\} is a vector for kk standard Brownian motions whose k(k1)/2k(k-1)/2 pairwise correlations are modeled by correlation parameters ρjl (1j<lk)\rho_{jl}~(1\le j<l\le k) such that dBj(t)Bl(t)=ρjldtdB_j(t)B_l(t) = \rho_{jl} dt.

We evaluate this continuous-time process at nn discrete observation times t={t1,,tn}{\bf t} = \{t_1, \ldots, t_n\}. The observed data x={x1,,xn}{\bf x} = \{x_1, \ldots, x_n\} are multiple time series data measured at irregularly spaced observation times t{\bf t} with possibly known measurement error standard deviations, δ={δ1,,δn}\delta=\{\delta_1, \ldots, \delta_n\}. Since one or more time series observations can be measured at each observation time tit_i, the length of a vector xix_i can be different, depending on how many time series observations are available at the ii-th observation time. We assume that these observed data x{\bf x} are realizations of the latent time series data sets X(t)={X(t1),,X(tn)}{\bf X(t)} = \{{\bf X}(t_1), \ldots, {\bf X}(t_n)\} with Gaussian measurement errors whose variances are δ\delta. This is a typical setting of state-space modeling. We note that if the measurement error variances are unknown, δ\delta must be set to zeros, which means that the observed data directly measure the latent values.

Please note that when astronomical time series data are loaded on R by read.table, read.csv, etc., some decimal places of the the observation times are automatically rounded because R's default is to load seven effective digits. For example, R will load the observation time 51075.412789 as 51075.41. This default will produce many ties in observation times even though there is actually no tie in observation times. To prevent this, please type "options(digits = 11)" before loading the data if the observation times are in seven effective digits.


The outcomes of drw are composed of:


The maximum likelihood estimate(s) of the long-term average(s) if method is "mle", and the posterior sample(s) of the long-term average(s) if method is "bayes". In the former case (mle), it is a vector of length kk, where kk is the number of time series data sets used. In the later case (bayes), it is an (mm by kk) matrix where mm is the size of the posterior sample.


The maximum likelihood estimate(s) of the short-term variability (standard deviation) parameter(s) if method is "mle", and the posterior sample(s) of the short-term variability parameter(s) if method is "bayes". In the former case (mle), it is a vector of length kk, where kk is the number of time series data sets used. In the later case (bayes), it is an (mm by kk) matrix where mm is the size of the posterior sample.


The maximum likelihood estimate(s) of the timescale(s) if method is "mle", and the posterior sample(s) of the timescale(s) if method is "bayes". In the former case (mle), it is a vector of length kk, where kk is the number of time series data sets used. In the later case (bayes), it is an (mm by kk) matrix where mm is the size of the posterior sample.


Only when more than one time series data set are used. The maximum likelihood estimate(s) of the (cross-) correlation(s) if method is "mle", and the posterior sample(s) of the (cross-) correlation(s) if method is "bayes". In the former case (mle), it is a vector of length k(k1)/2k(k-1)/2, where kk is the number of time series data sets used, i.e., ρ12,,ρ1k,ρ23,,ρ2k,,ρk1,k\rho_{12}, \ldots, \rho_{1k}, \rho_{23}, \ldots, \rho_{2k}, \ldots, \rho_{k-1, k}. In the later case (bayes), it is an (mm by k(k1)/2k(k-1)/2) matrix where mm is the size of the posterior sample.


Only when method is "bayes". The MCMC acceptance rate(s) of the long-term average parameter(s).


Only when method is "bayes". The MCMC acceptance rate(s) of the short-term variability parameter(s).


Only when method is "bayes". The MCMC acceptance rate(s) of the timescale(s).


Only when more than one time series data set are used with method = "bayes". The MCMC acceptance rate(s) of the (cross-) correlation(s).


The combined data set if more than one time series data set are used, and data1 if only one time series data set is used. This output is only available when method is set to "bayes".


Zhirui Hu and Hyungsuk Tak


Zhirui Hu and Hyungsuk Tak (2020+), "Modeling Stochastic Variability in Multi-Band Time Series Data," arXiv:2005.08049.


########## Fitting a univariate damped random walk process

##### Fitting a univariate damped random walk process based on a simulation

n1 <- 20 
# the number of observations in the data set

obs.time1 <- cumsum(rgamma(n1, shape = 3, rate = 1))
# the irregularly-spaced observation times 

y1 <- rnorm(n1)
# the measurements/observations/magnitudes

measure.error.SD1 <- rgamma(n1, shape = 0.01)
# optional measurement error standard deviations, 
# which is typically known in astronomical time series data
# if not known in other applications, set them to zeros, i.e.,
# measure.error.SD1 <- rep(0, n1)

data1 <- cbind(obs.time1, y1, measure.error.SD1)
# combine the single time series data set into an n by 3 matrix

# Note that when astronomical time series data are loaded on R (e.g., read.table, read.csv), 
# the digits of the observation times are typically rounded to seven effective digits.
# That means rounding may occur, which produces ties in observation times even though
# the original observation times are not the same.
# In this case, type the following code before loading the data.
# options(digits = 11)

res1.mle <- drw(data1 = data1, n.datasets = 1, method = "mle")
# obtain maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters and 
# assign the result to object "res1.mle"

# to see the maximum likelihood estimates,
# type "res1.mle$mu", "res1.mle$sigma", "res1.mle$tau"

res1.bayes <- drw(data1 = data1, n.datasets = 1, method = "bayes", 
                  bayes.n.burn = 10, bayes.n.sample = 10)

# obtain 10 posterior samples of each model parameter and
# save the result to object "res1.bayes"

# names(res1.bayes)
# to work on the posterior sample of each parameter, try 
# "res1.bayes$mu.accept.rate", "res1.bayes$sigma.accept.rate", "res1.bayes$tau.accept.rate"
# "hist(res1.bayes$mu)", "mean(res1.bayes$mu)", "sd(res1.bayes$mu)",
# "median(log(res1.bayes$sigma, base = 10))", 
# "quantile(log(res1.bayes$tau, base = 10), prob = c(0.025, 0.975))"

##### Fitting a multivariate damped random walk process based on simulations

n2 <- 10 
# the number of observations in the second data set

obs.time2 <- cumsum(rgamma(n2, shape = 3, rate = 1))
# the irregularly-spaced observation times of the second data set

y2 <- rnorm(n2)
# the measurements/observations/magnitudes of the second data set

measure.error.SD2 <- rgamma(n2, shape = 0.01)
# optional measurement error standard deviations of the second data set, 
# which is typically known in astronomical time series data
# if not known in other applications, set them to zeros, i.e.,
# measure.error.SD2 <- rep(0, n2)

data2 <- cbind(obs.time2, y2, measure.error.SD2)
# combine the single time series data set into an n by 3 matrix

res2.mle <- drw(data1 = data1, data2 = data2, n.datasets = 2, method = "mle")

# obtain maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters and 
# assign the result to object "res2.mle"

res2.bayes <- drw(data1 = data1, data2 = data2, n.datasets = 2, method = "bayes", 
                  bayes.n.burn = 10, bayes.n.sample = 10)

# obtain 10 posterior samples of each model parameter and
# save the result to object "res2.bayes"

# names(res2.bayes)
# to work on the posterior sample of each parameter, try 
# "hist(res2.bayes$mu[, 1])", "colMeans(res2.bayes$mu)", "apply(res2.bayes$mu, 2, sd)",
# "hist(log(res2.bayes$sigma[, 2], base = 10))", 
# "apply(log(res2.bayes$sigma, base = 10), 2, median)", 
# "apply(log(res2.bayes$tau, base = 10), 2, quantile, prob = c(0.025, 0.975))"

Simulating univariate and multiviarate damped random walk processes


The function drw.sim simulates time series data set(s) following either univariate or multivariate damped random walk process.


drw.sim(time, n.datasets, measure.error.SD, mu, sigma, tau, rho)



A vector containing observation times. Let us use nn to denote the length of this vector.


Any positive integer value that denotes the number of time series data sets to be simulated. In simulation, there is no upper limit in the number of time series data sets. Let's use kk to denote this number of time series data sets.


Optional if measurement error standard deviations are known and available. If one time series data set is simulated, it is a vector of length nn containing measurement error standard deviations. If more than one time series data sets are simulated, it is an nn by kk matrix composed of measurement error standard deviations. If such information is not available, it is automatically set to zeros.


A vector of length kk, containing the long-term average parameter(s) of the process.


A vector of length kk, containing the short-term variability parameter(s) (standard deviation) of the process.


A vector of length kk, containing the timescale parameter(s) of the process.


Required if more than one time series data sets are simulated (k>1)(k>1). A vector of length k(k1)/2k(k-1)/2, containing the cross-correlation parameters of the process. For example, if k=3k=3, this is a vector composed of ρ12\rho_{12}, ρ13\rho_{13}, ρ23\rho_{23}. If k=5k=5, this is a vector composed of ρ12\rho_{12}, ρ13\rho_{13}, ρ14\rho_{14}, ρ15\rho_{15}, ρ23\rho_{23}, ρ24\rho_{24}, ρ25\rho_{25}, ρ34\rho_{34}, ρ35\rho_{35}, ρ45\rho_{45}.


Given the nn observation times and model parameter values (mu, sigma, tau, rho) possibly with known measurement error standard deviations, this function simulates kk time series data sets.


The outcome of drw.sim is composed of:


An nn by kk matrix composed of kk simulated time series data each with length nn. That is, each column is corresponding to one simulated time series data set.


Zhirui Hu and Hyungsuk Tak


Zhirui Hu and Hyungsuk Tak (2020+), "Modeling Stochastic Variability in Multi-Band Time Series Data," arXiv:2005.08049.


########## Simulating a multivariate damped random walk process

n <- 100
k <- 5
obs.time <- cumsum(rgamma(n, shape = 3, rate = 1))

tau <- 100 + 20 * (1 : 5) #rnorm(k, 0, 5)
sigma <- 0.01 * (1 : 5)
#tau <- c(1 : 5) #rnorm(k, 0, 5)
#sigma <- 0.05  + 0.007 * (0 : 4) #rnorm(k, 0, 0.002)
mu <- 17 + 0.5 * (1 : 5)

rho.m <- matrix(0, k, k)
for(i in 1 : k) {
  for(j in 1 : k) {
    rho.m[i, j] = 1.1^(-abs(i - j))

rho <- rho.m[upper.tri(rho.m)] <- c(0.010, 0.014, 0.018, 0.022, 0.026)
measure.error <- NULL
for(i in 1 : k) {
  measure.error <- cbind(measure.error, rnorm(n,[i], 0.002))

x <- drw.sim(time = obs.time, n.datasets = 5, measure.error.SD = measure.error,
             mu = mu, sigma = sigma, tau = tau, rho = rho)

plot(obs.time, x[, 1], xlim = c(min(obs.time), max(obs.time)), ylim = c(17, 20),
     xlab = "time", ylab = "observation")
points(obs.time, x[, 2], col = 2, pch = 2)
points(obs.time, x[, 3], col = 3, pch = 3)
points(obs.time, x[, 4], col = 4, pch = 4)
points(obs.time, x[, 5], col = 5, pch = 5)

########## Simulating a univariate damped random walk process

x <- drw.sim(time = obs.time, n.datasets = 1, measure.error.SD = measure.error[, 1],
             mu = mu[1], sigma = sigma[1], tau = tau[1])
plot(obs.time, x)

Univariate and Multivariate Damped Random Walk Processes


The R package Rdrw provides a toolbox to fit and simulate univariate and multivariate damped random walk processes, possibly with known measurement error standard deviations via state-space representation. The damped random walk process is also known as an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process or a continuous-time auto-regressive model with order one, i.e., CAR(1) or CARMA(1, 0). The package Rdrw adopts Kalman-filtering to evaluate the resulting likelihood function of the model parameters, leading to a linear complexity in the number of unique observation times. The package provides two functionalities; (i) it fits the model and returns the maximum likelihood estimates or posterior samples of the model parameters; (ii) it simulates time series data following the univariate or multivariate damped random walk process.


Package: Rdrw
Type: Package
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 2020-9-8
License: GPL-2
Main functions: drw, drw.sim


Zhirui Hu and Hyungsuk Tak


Zhirui Hu and Hyungsuk Tak (2020+), "Modeling Stochastic Variability in Multi-Band Time Series Data," arXiv:2005.08049.