Package 'Rdta'

Title: Data Transforming Augmentation for Linear Mixed Models
Description: We provide a toolbox to fit univariate and multivariate linear mixed models via data transforming augmentation. Users can also fit these models via typical data augmentation for a comparison. It returns either maximum likelihood estimates of unknown model parameters (hyper-parameters) via an EM algorithm or posterior samples of those parameters via MCMC. Also see Tak et al. (2019) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2019.1704295>.
Authors: Hyungsuk Tak, Kisung You, Sujit K. Ghosh, and Bingyue Su
Maintainer: Hyungsuk Tak <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.0.1
Built: 2025-03-11 05:16:24 UTC

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Fitting univariate and multiviarate linear mixed models via data transforming augmentation


The function lmm fits univariate and multivariate linear mixed models (also called two-level Gaussian hierarchical models) whose first-level hierarchy is about a distribution of observed data and second-level hierarchy is about a prior distribution of random effects.


lmm(y, v, x = 1, n.burn, n.sample, tol = 1e-10,
  method = "em", dta = TRUE, print.time = FALSE)



Response variable. In a univariate case, it is a vector of length kk for the observed data. In a multivariate case, it is a (kk by pp) matrix, where kk is the number of observations and pp denotes the dimensionality.


Known measurement error variance. In a univariate case, it is a vector of length kk. In a multivariate case, it is a (pp, pp, kk) array of known measurement error covariance matrices, i.e., each of the kk array components is a (pp by pp) covariance matrix.


(Optional) Covariate information. If there is one covariate for each object, e.g., weight, it is a vector of length kk for the weight. If there are two covariates for each object, e.g., weight and height, it is a (kk by 2) matrix, where each column contains a covariate variable. Default is no covariate (x = 1).


Number of warming-up iterations for a Markov chain Monte Carlo method. It must be specified for method = "mcmc"


Number of iterations (size of a posterior sample for each parameter) for a Markov chain Monte Carlo method. It must be specified for method = "mcmc"


Tolerance that determines the stopping rule of the EM algorithm. The EM algorithm iterates until the change of log-likelihood function is within the tolerance. Default is 1e-10.


"em" will return maximum likelihood estimates of the unknown hyper-parameters and "mcmc" returns posterior samples of those parameters.


A logical; Data transforming augmentation is used if dta = TRUE, and typical data augmentation is used if dta = FALSE.


A logical; TRUE to display two time stamps for initiation and termination, FALSE otherwise.


For each group ii, let yiy_{i} be an unbiased estimate of random effect θi\theta_{i}, and ViV_{i} be a known measurement error variance. The linear mixed model of interest is specified as follows:

[yiθi]N(θi,Vi)[y_{i} \mid \theta_{i}] \sim N(\theta_{i}, V_{i})

[θiμ0i,A)N(μ0i,A)[\theta_{i} \mid \mu_{0i}, A) \sim N(\mu_{0i}, A)

μ0i=xiβ\mu_{0i} = x_{i}'\beta

independently for i=1,,ki = 1, \ldots, k, where k is the number of groups (units) and dimension of each element is appropriately adjusted in a multivariate case.

The function lmm produces maximum likelihood estimates of hyper-parameters, AA and β\beta, their update histories of EM iterations, and the number of EM iterations if method is "em".

For a Bayesian implementation, we put a jointly uniform prior distribution on AA and β\beta, i.e.,

f(A,β)1,f(A, \beta) \propto 1,

which is known to have good frequency properties. This joint prior distribution is improper, but their resulting posterior distribution is proper if km+p+2k\ge m+p+2, where kk is the number of groups, mm is the number of regression coefficients, and pp is the dimension of yiy_{i}. We note that an R package Rgbp also fits this model in a univariate case (p=1p=1) via ADM (approximation for density maximization). lmm produces the posterior samples through a Gibbs sampler if method is "bayes".


The outcome of lmm is composed of:


If method is "mcmc". It contains the posterior sample of AA.


If method is "mcmc". It contains the posterior sample of β\beta.


If method is "em". It contains the maximum likelihood estimate of AA.


If method is "em". It contains the maximum likelihood estimate of betabeta.


If method is "em". It contains the update history of AA at each iteration.


If method is "em". It contains the update history of betabeta at each iteration.


If method is "em". It contains the number of EM iterations.


Hyungsuk Tak (maintainer), Kisung You, Sujit K. Ghosh, and Bingyue Su


Tak, You, Ghosh, Su, Kelly (2019), "Data Transforming Augmentation for Heteroscedastic Models" <doi:10.1080/10618600.2019.1704295>


### Univariate linear mixed model

# response variable for 10 objects
y <- c(5.42, -1.91, 2.82, -0.14, -1.83, 3.44, 6.18, -1.20, 2.68, 1.12)
# corresponding measurement error standard deviations
se <- c(1.05, 1.15, 1.22, 1.45, 1.30, 1.29, 1.31, 1.10, 1.23, 1.11)
# one covariate information for 10 objects
x <- c(2, 3, 0, 2, 3, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)

## Fitting without covariate information
# (DTA) maximum likelihood estimates of A and beta via an EM algorithm
res <- lmm(y = y, v = se^2, method = "em", dta = TRUE)
# (DTA) posterior samples of A and beta via an MCMC method
res <- lmm(y = y, v = se^2, n.burn = 1e1, n.sample = 1e1,
           method = "mcmc", dta = TRUE)
# (DA) maximum likelihood estimates of A and beta via an EM algorithm
res <- lmm(y = y, v = se^2, method = "em", dta = FALSE)
# (DA) posterior samples of A and beta via an MCMC method
res <- lmm(y = y, v = se^2, n.burn = 1e1, n.sample = 1e1,
           method = "mcmc", dta = FALSE)

## Fitting with the covariate information
# (DTA) maximum likelihood estimates of A and beta via an EM algorithm
res <- lmm(y = y, v = se^2, x = x, method = "em", dta = TRUE)
# (DTA) posterior samples of A and beta via an MCMC method
res <- lmm(y = y, v = se^2, x = x, n.burn = 1e1, n.sample = 1e1,
           method = "mcmc", dta = TRUE)
# (DA) maximum likelihood estimates of A and beta via an EM algorithm
res <- lmm(y = y, v = se^2, x = x, method = "em", dta = FALSE)
# (DA) posterior samples of A and beta via an MCMC method
res <- lmm(y = y, v = se^2, x = x, n.burn = 1e1, n.sample = 1e1,
           method = "mcmc", dta = FALSE)

### Multivariate linear mixed model

# (arbitrary) 10 hospital profiling data (two response variables)
y1 <- c(10.19, 11.53, 16.28, 12.32, 12.84, 11.85, 14.81, 13.24, 14.43, 9.35)
y2 <- c(12.06, 14.97, 11.50, 17.88, 19.21, 14.69, 13.96, 11.07, 12.71, 9.63)
y <- cbind(y1, y2)

# making measurement error covariance matrices for 10 hospitals
n <- c(24, 34, 38, 42, 49, 50, 79, 84, 96, 102) # number of patients
v0 <- matrix(c(186.87, 120.43, 120.43, 250.60), nrow = 2) # common cov matrix
temp <- sapply(1 : length(n), function(j) { v0 / n[j] })
v <- array(temp, dim = c(2, 2, length(n)))

# covariate information (severity measure)
severity <- c(0.45, 0.67, 0.46, 0.56, 0.86, 0.24, 0.34, 0.58, 0.35, 0.17)

## Fitting without covariate information
# (DTA) maximum likelihood estimates of A and beta via an EM algorithm

res <- lmm(y = y, v = v, method = "em", dta = TRUE)

# (DTA) posterior samples of A and beta via an MCMC method

res <- lmm(y = y, v = v, n.burn = 1e1, n.sample = 1e1,
           method = "mcmc", dta = TRUE)

# (DA) maximum likelihood estimates of A and beta via an EM algorithm

res <- lmm(y = y, v = v, method = "em", dta = FALSE)

# (DA) posterior samples of A and beta via an MCMC method

res <- lmm(y = y, v = v, n.burn = 1e1, n.sample = 1e1,
           method = "mcmc", dta = FALSE)

## Fitting with the covariate information
# (DTA) maximum likelihood estimates of A and beta via an EM algorithm

res <- lmm(y = y, v = v, x = severity, method = "em", dta = TRUE)

# (DTA) posterior samples of A and beta via an MCMC method

res <- lmm(y = y, v = v, x = severity, n.burn = 1e1, n.sample = 1e1,
           method = "mcmc", dta = TRUE)

# (DA) maximum likelihood estimates of A and beta via an EM algorithm

res <- lmm(y = y, v = v, x = severity, method = "em", dta = FALSE)

# (DA) posterior samples of A and beta via an MCMC method

res <- lmm(y = y, v = v, x = severity, n.burn = 1e1, n.sample = 1e1,
           method = "mcmc", dta = FALSE)

Data Transforming Augmentation for Linear Mixed Models


The R package Rdta provides a toolbox to fit univariate and multivariate linear mixed models via data transforming augmentation. Users can also fit these models via typical data augmentation for a comparison. It returns either maximum likelihood estimates of unknown model parameters (hyper-parameters) via an EM algorithm or posterior samples of those parameters via a Markov chain Monte Carlo method.


Package: Rdta
Type: Package
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 2024-1-26
License: GPL-2
Main functions: lmm


Hyungsuk Tak (maintainer), Kisung You, Sujit K. Ghosh, and Bingyue Su


Tak, You, Ghosh, Su, Kelly (2019), "Data Transforming Augmentation for Heteroscedastic Models" <doi:10.1080/10618600.2019.1704295>